Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Untitled in Progress

36"H by 48"W, on canvas. 
(click for enlargement)
I had been working on this background on and off for more than a year before I realized what I needed to put on top of it. Some paintings are a struggle, but once I started painting the figure, I instantly knew that that was what it needed. A little more work in the shadows and some on the face and hair, and it will be done, except for the title, which I plan to settle eventually. 


11"H by 8.5"W, on panel. 
(click for enlargement)
I really enjoy small figures. Breaking down the forms into simple blocks of color, flattening some areas, using the viewer's knowledge and empathy to fill in details, that's what I love about little things.

Mine and Yours

"Mine and Yours"
48"H by 36"W, on panel. 
(click for enlargement)

This painting is 36"x48", and went to the California State Fair this year. It won an award of Merit, and more importantly, represents a new path for me. Having it hanging in my space while I work doesn't slow my process on other paintings, it serves to inspire me.  I am in love again with the human figure. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Studio Ruminations

This past weekend I resolved to create enough new art to fill my walls again.
Open Studios sees a lot of people that seem to be familiar with the studio complex and the artists inside, and some of them have seen my work three or four times. So it looks a little lazy to have so many pieces that are older than a year.
Time to make some stuff.