Wednesday, June 16, 2010

California State Fair

48"H by 34"W, on panel. 

24"H by 54"W, on panel. 

These works are on view at the California State Fair from July 14 through August 1st. For event information, please go to

Here's a shot of them when their frames were getting a final coat of polyeurethane:

I think that "Garbage" now weighs 70lbs with the mass of white maple anchored to the outside of it. "Tumult" is framed with some lovely Pacific Coast Cypress, which has a nostalgic yet suprisingly acidic odor.


  1. Hi Lydia

    These two paintings, Garbage and Tumult, are really successful. I enjoy the contrast of atmosphere and solidity, and their complexity. Would have enjoyed seeing them in place at the fair.

    Hope you're doing well,

  2. Doing just fine, Marc! The show's actually opening in just a few days now. I'm planning to make my husband shoot a few pictures of the paintings at the opening.
