Monday, March 28, 2011

In Progress: Untitled (Mantle)

"Untitled (Mantle)"
16"H by 20"W, on canvas. 
(click for enlargement)
A quick start on a painting is easy for me and often makes me think I should slow down. The corner of my studio is filled with false starts and paintings that have failed to hold my interest for more than a few hours of painting. With this piece, I thumbnailed only twice before drawing directly on the canvas. A wooden stick helped me lay my perspective lines, and I started painting the base layers of color.

At this point I feel it necessary to address that my work is diverging into a lot of different areas. Perhaps it's a bad habit left over from art school, but I always want more than one body of work to whittle away at. Of course, I'm not sure it's really a bad habit- painting as much as I can on as many bodies of work means that I'll have a diverse portfolio for different audiences to see. On the other hand, it would be so nice to be able to present twenty shoe paintings to a gallery in San Francisco this year or next, instead of in 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you just gave yourself a goal.

    I enjoy seeing even your preliminary works and how you approach it. Thanks for sharing!

