Thursday, August 2, 2012

In Progress: Ex-Latte Six, Seven, and Eight

"Ex-Latte Six, Seven, Eight"
8"H by 6"W, on panel. 
(click for enlargement)
 Began this by drawing on some panels a couple of Saturdays ago. Blocked in the background and shadows quickly, and they'll need more fine tuning.

"Ex-Latte Six, Seven, Eight"
8"H by 6"W, on panel. 
(click for enlargement)
This is after three hours of work. It needs a little help where some of the spaces between planes are, as they're still devoid of paint. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In Progress: Cleft

30"H by 20"W on Silver Mylar
(click for enlargement)
This was started last night at Kaleid's Two-Buck Tuesdays, where I like to paint live in front of people. Unlike the last two paintings I did while I was at that event, this one isn't even close to being done, because as I got more involved with the painting of it, I realized that I really needed to treat this carefully and not just jot it down as a sketch as I did with the last two.

Lately I've been doing quite a lot with the shoes, and it's not that I'm less infatuated with them, but I think my attraction to them might be more about gendered objects and the concept of what is appropriate in masculine and feminine roles.  The notion that an inanimate object can be assigned a gender is intriguing to me because it can leave a lot of room to play with innuendo and still remain comfortably within the genre of "still life." Above, in the painting "Cleft," we're looking at an ordinary garden hose bisecting a shiny purple bow. What it means isn't nearly as important as what the viewer believes it represents. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


36"H by 24"W on Matte Media Dura-Lar
(click for enlargement)

This was my second live painting session at Kaleid Gallery, and went pretty well. In less than three hours I was able to paint a new stack. I really love the surface I was painting on. It's a large sheet of matte dura-lar that has been glued to a piece of gator board that had the greenish pattern stenciled on it. The only problem now is that I'm out of boards and matte sheets.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pigeon Toes

"Pigeon Toes"
36"H by 24"W on Matte Media Dura-Lar
(click for enlargement)

This is a very poor quality photo of an exceptional quality painting, so I do have some apologies on that account, but since my computer has recently been taken apart and reassembled with a new operating system and less programs, it is the best that I can do for now.

This painting was completed in less than three hours. I had a fantastic time at a live-painting session, and I seem to be one of the rare breed of painters who can speak at the same time that they are painting, provided they've pre-mixed their colors and aren't too attached to the outcome. Basically, what this process has told me is that I need to move my studio outside onto the sidewalk where I can jabber incessantly at passerby and drink as much coffee as I'm able. What a wonderful recipe for success.

I'm updating with a photo of the piece in a frame.