Monday, May 21, 2012

Pigeon Toes

"Pigeon Toes"
36"H by 24"W on Matte Media Dura-Lar
(click for enlargement)

This is a very poor quality photo of an exceptional quality painting, so I do have some apologies on that account, but since my computer has recently been taken apart and reassembled with a new operating system and less programs, it is the best that I can do for now.

This painting was completed in less than three hours. I had a fantastic time at a live-painting session, and I seem to be one of the rare breed of painters who can speak at the same time that they are painting, provided they've pre-mixed their colors and aren't too attached to the outcome. Basically, what this process has told me is that I need to move my studio outside onto the sidewalk where I can jabber incessantly at passerby and drink as much coffee as I'm able. What a wonderful recipe for success.

I'm updating with a photo of the piece in a frame.

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